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Senarai Kempen

Sumbangan amal anda amat bermakna buat yang memerlukan.

Senarai Kempen

Sumbangan amal anda amat bermakna buat yang memerlukan. Projek-projek amal kebajikan yang aktif mengumpulkan dana sekarang

Campaigns by: Admin

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Kutipan Derma Mangsa Banjir Di Kelantan

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Sana sini berita sedih dan merisaukan. Untuk tujuan meringankan beban keluarga terjejas, MALAKAT MALL ingin menjemput semua rakyat malaysia, untuk menyalurkan sumbangan. Dana akan digunakan untuk membantu seramai mungkin mereka yang terkesan. Terutama untuk mereka yang 📌 tiada makanan/minuman/pakaian 📌 hilang punca pendapatan 📌kenderaan & barangan penting rosak teruk 📌barang-barang eletrik/keperluan dapur rosak dan sebagainya. Antara sumbangan yang akan diberikan: •⁠ ⁠Barangan sekolah •⁠ ⁠Keperluan asas wanita •⁠ ⁠Pakaian harian •⁠ ⁠Kelengkapan kesihatan •⁠ ⁠Barang penjagaan kesihatan Semakin Banyak Dana Sumbangan,
Semakin ramai keluarga dapat dibantu! InsyaAllah! p/s Sekiranya anda adalah

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Rated 0 out of 5

Kutipan Derma Mangsa Banjir Raub Pahang

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Malaysia

KUTIPAN DERMA MANGSA BANJIR RAUB PAHANG. Ribuan keluarga terjejas. Sana sini berita sedih dan merisaukan. Untuk tujuan meringankan beban keluarga terjejas, MALAKAT MALL ingin menjemput semua rakyat malaysia, untuk menyalurkan sumbangan.  Dana akan digunakan untuk membantu seramai mungkin mereka yang terkesan. Terutama untuk mereka yang 📌 tiada makanan/minuman/pakaian, 📌hilang punca pendapatan, 📌kenderaan & barangan penting rosak teruk, 📌barang-barang eletrik/keperluan dapur rosak, dan sebagainya. Semakin Banyak Dana Sumbangan, Semakin ramai keluarga dapat dibantu! InsyaAllah! p/s Sekiranya anda adalah keluarga yang terjejas, klik sini untuk mohon bantuan p.p.s Doa Mohon Banjir Tidak Berlarutan يَا أَرْضُ ابْلَعِي مَاءَكِ وَيَا سَمَاءُ أَقْلِعِي وَغِي

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Infaq Beras Ramadan

by Admin

Jom ambil peluang untuk raih pahala dan kongsi rezeki bersama Malakat Grocer di bulan Ramadan yang penuh mulia ini. Kempen Infaq Beras khas sempena bulan Ramadan tahun ini buat golongan asnaf, madrasah dan pusat tahfiz. “Rasulullah SAW adalah orang yang paling dermawan. Dan Baginda lebih dermawan lagi pada bulan Ramadan saat beliau bertemu Jibril. Jibril menemuinya setiap malam untuk mengajarkan Al Qur’an. Dan kedermawanan Rasulullah SAW melebihi angin yang berhembus.” (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari) Semoga infaq ini menjadi bekalan buat kita di akhirat kelak.

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by Admin

Kempen ini dilancarkan bagi mengumpulkan dana bagi membeli keperluan makanan kepada mereka yang berdepan dengan kesempitan hidup. Kami mempelawa orang ramai untuk sama - sama menjayakan program Infaq Makanan ini yang mengkhususkan pemberian bantuan makanan asas kepada golongan asnaf, anak yatim dan ibu tunggal. Semoga sumbangan Tuan - Puan dikurniakan ganjaran pahala yang berlipat - ganda oleh Allah SWT. Nabi SAW juga ada bersabda: *Sesiapa yang melepaskan satu kesusahan seorang Mukmin, pasti Allah akan melepaskan daripadanya satu kesusahan pada hari kiamat. Sesiapa yang menjadikan urusan orang lain mudah, pasti Allah akan memudahkan urusannya di dunia dan di akhirat.” (Hadis Riwayat Muslim*) Terima Kasih. Wassalam.

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Home Caught Fire

by Admin

Sadaqah Friday Mahesha, one of our students from Brainy Bunch Tebet, Indonesia, had a terrible tragedy recently when their home caught fire. We are asking your kind hearts to make a donation on this Sadaqah Friday in order to assist their family in rebuilding their home. "Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter." Sahih Muslim 2699

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Dana Pembinaan Masjid Baiturrahman Palembang

by Admin

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Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Alhamdulillah, we collected in RM 10,753.90 last week. We appreciate your generosity and kindness. The Brainy Bunch Foundation was created specifically to help and lessen the financial challenges that the less fortunate population, both locally and globally, confronts. Parents and all staff members are supporting the "Sadaqah Friday" initiative of The Brainy Bunch Foundation on this platform. Our level of affection is more significant than the quantity we give. The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. is attributed by Hakim bin Hizam with saying, "The upper hand is preferable to the lower hand." (In other words, it is better to give charity than to receive it.) Visit this website to make direct donations:  https://sadaqahmarket.com/product/

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Help For Cikgu Azmi’s Sister

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Alhamdulillah, we collected RM 2,489.80 last week. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. This week's collection is dedicated to helping a single mother of 3 who has met with a tragic accident. She is the sibling of one of our International School's teachers, and she was hit by a driver who fell asleep on the wheels while traveling home after sending her child to school. One side of her face was smashed, with multiple broken bones on her jaw, and cheekbones, and her eyes' socket had a minor crack. One of her intestines was also ruptured, which called for an immediate operation. She laid unconscious for about a week in the hospital, before finally regaining consciousness, but unable to speak properly due to her injury. Her husband

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Rated 0 out of 5

Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Alhamdulillah, we collected in RM 4,035.40 last week. We appreciate your generosity and kindness. The Brainy Bunch Foundation was created specifically to help and lessen the financial challenges that the less fortunate population, both locally and globally, confronts. Parents and all staff members are supporting the "Sadaqah Friday" initiative of The Brainy Bunch Foundation on this platform. Our level of affection is more significant than the quantity we give. The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. is attributed by Hakim bin Hizam with saying, "The upper hand is preferable to the lower hand." (In other words, it is better to give charity than to receive it.) Visit this website to make direct donations: https://sadaqahmarket.com/product/sa

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Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Alhamdulillah, we collected RM 7781.50 last week. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. The Brainy Bunch Foundation was established exclusively for the goal of assisting and easing the financial struggles that the less fortunate society, both locally and globally, encounters. The Brainy Bunch Foundation's "Sadaqah Friday" project is one that parents and all staff members are supporting on this platform. Our level of affection is more important than the amount we provide. Hakim bin Hizam quoted the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. as saying, "The upper hand is preferable to the lower hand." (In other words, one is better off to give charity than to receive it.) Direct donations can be made by visiting this link: https://sadaqahmark

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Sadaqah for Coach Wafi

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Alhamdulillah, we collected RM2,188.10 last week. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. This week we would like to raise funds for our Silat coach, Coach Wafi, who met with an accident on his way back to our Cyberjaya campus after completing his lessons in BBISKL. He suffers broken bones from his hip down to his legs and is currently warded in Putrajaya Hospital. He is married with 3 children. You can donate directly via this link: ‎https://sadaqahmarket.com/product/sadaqah-for-coach-wafi/ Thank you and may Allah reward you for your good deeds, in shaa Allah.

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Rated 0 out of 5

Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Alhamdulillah, we collected RM 7057.70. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Brainy Bunch Foundation was set up with the sole purpose of helping and alleviating financial constraints faced by the less fortunate society, both locally and worldwide. This is a platform where parents and all staff stand together to contribute to our Brainy Bunch Foundation’s "Sadaqah Friday” project. It is not how much we give that matters, but how much love we put into it. "The upper hand is preferable than the lower hand," the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h said, according to Hakim bin Hizam. (In other words, he who provides charity is better than he who receives it.) You can donate directly via this link: https://sadaqahmarket.com/product/sadaqah

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Rated 0 out of 5

Help for Aunty Baizura’s husband

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdulillah, last week we collected RM 4,589.95. We appreciate your generosity and support. This week we would like to raise funds for Auntie Baizura's (DVM) husband, Mohd Saiful Bin Jaminan. He has been diagnosed with an infected left diabetes foot ulcer and had 4th surgery on 4th June 2022 for his wound assessment. "Sadaqah Friday" is a project of Brainy Bunch Foundation that continuously assist in reducing the financial hardships that the less fortunate confront both locally and globally. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). He also said that Allah offers relief on the Day of Judgement for those who give sadaqah: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be t

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Rated 0 out of 5

Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdulillah, last week we have collected RM 2160.00. We appreciate your generosity and support. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). He also said that Allah offers relief on the Day of Judgement for those who give sadaqah: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be their charity” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). We are assisting our Palestinian brothers and sisters, as well as supporting our da'wah mission in the Philippines and assisting our local communities affected by natural disasters such as floods and fires, as well as the destitute, through "Sadaqah Friday." The Brainy Bunch Foundation works to alleviate the financial difficulties that the less fortunate face both

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Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, "Sadaqah Friday" is a project of Brainy Bunch Foundation with the intention of assisting and reducing the financial hardships that the less fortunate confront both locally and globally. We have assisted our Palestinian brothers and sisters, supported our da'wah mission in the Philippines, and aided our local communities who have been impacted by natural disasters such as floods and fires, as well as the poor. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). He also said that Allah offers relief on the Day of Judgement for those who give sadaqah: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be their charity” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). You can donate directly via this link:https://sadaqa

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Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum. Dear Parents and Guardians, Brainy Bunch Foundation was set up with the sole purpose of helping and alleviating financial constraints faced by the less fortunate society, both locally and worldwide. Over the years, we have helped our brothers and sisters in Palestine, supported our da’wah mission in the Philippines, as well as our local communities who have been tested by natural calamities such as floods, fire, as well as the underprivileged groups. This is a platform where parents and all staff stand together to contribute to our Brainy Bunch Foundation’s "Sadaqah Friday” project. It is not how much we give that matters, but how much love we put into it. "The upper hand is preferable than the lower hand," the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h said, according to Hakim bi

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Rated 0 out of 5

Teachers at BB Sri Hartamas

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,375.75 will be given to the beneficiary, Pusat Jagaan Anak Yatim dan Saudara Baru An Najjah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to one of our teachers at BB Sri Hartamas who was affected by the flood last 2 days. Due to this she needs some assistance in terms of money and also some items. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Pusat Jagaan Anak Yatim dan Saudara Baru An Najjah

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support for our Ramadhan Project last week. We pray that Allah bless you with more Rizq this blessed month in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Pusat Jagaan Anak Yatim dan Saudara Baru An Najjah*. You can donate directly via this link. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Foundation and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Infaq Al Quran Malakat Mall

by Admin

Firman Allah SWT; “Sesungguhnya orang-orang lelaki yang bersedekah dan orang-orang perempuan yang bersedekah, serta mereka memberikan pinjaman kepada Allah, sebagai pinjaman yang baik (ikhlas), akan digandakan balasannya (dengan berganda-ganda banyaknya), dan mereka pula akan beroleh pahala yang mulia.” (Surah al-Hadid: 18) Sempena bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini, Malakat Mall akan mengedarkan Al Quran terjemahaan kepada golongan yang memerlukan. Buat pelanggan yang mahu bersadaqah, infaq dan berkongsi amal jariah boleh menyumbang terus ke pautan akaun dibawah 👇🏻 [Link] Semoga Allah terima Sadaqah kita dan menjadikan setiap huruf Al Quran yang dibaca menjadi pembantu kita untuk berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat nanti. #SadaqahQuran #IhyaRamadhan #MalakatMall

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Pertubuhan Pusat Jagaan Limpahan Kasih, Puchong

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support for our Infaq Al-Quran program last week. We pray that Allah bless you with more Rizq this blessed month! This week’s collection from our Ramadhan Project is dedicated to the *Pertubuhan Pusat Jagaan Limpahan Kasih, Puchong*. The objective of this project is to help them with the essentials in preparing for Raya celebration. Our students from Raudhah College will be actively involved in this program, which includes spending their time with the children and breakfasting with them. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Infaq Al Quran

by Admin

Peluang Infaq Al Quran Alhamdulillah! Kami akan mengedarkan Al Quran terjemahan kepada semua pelajar dan staff kami dalam untuk merancakkan Ramadhan sebagai bulan mendekatkan lagi seluruh warga Brainy Bunch kepada Al Quran. Kepada IbuAyah yang ingin turut serta bersadaqah dan berkongsi jariah ini bolehlah menyumbang terus ke akaun dibawah. Semoga Allah terima Sadaqah kita dan jadikan setiap huruf Al Quran yang dibaca menjadi pembantu kita untuk berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat nanti. #SadaqahQuran #IhyaRamadhan #BrainyBunch

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1 student 1 quran

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, "The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of God is that of a grain of corn: it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. God gives manifold increase to whom He pleases: And God cares for all and He knows all things" (Quran 2: 261). *1 Quran 1 Student* We hope to build a better future for our quranic generation with Infaq Ramadhan in this upcoming glorious month. The objective of this program is to foster the practice of charity among students and the general public. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! You can donate directly via this link. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Student

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Rated 0 out of 5

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Darul Ehsan

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 4,125.20* will be given to the beneficiary, *Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Perlindungan Nur Qaseh*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Darul Ehsan*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Perlindungan Nur Qaseh

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 5,027.50* will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf As Solihin*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Perlindungan Nur Qaseh*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf As Solihin

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 3,317.55* will be given to the beneficiary, *Anak Yatim Baitun Nurrawdhah*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf As Solihin*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Anak Yatim Baitun Nurrawdhah

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,247.95 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Penyayang Ulin Nuha. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Anak Yatim Baitun Nurrawdhah. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rumah Penyayang Ulin Nuha

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project for Operation Financing (Ustaz Brother), the total collection RM 10,000. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Rumah Penyayang Ulin Nuha. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Ustadz’s Brother Excident

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM7,004.51 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Perlindungan Nur Hati. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to help one of our ustaz to finance the costs of his youngest brother’s operation, who was involved in a road accident recently. After his motorcycle got hit by a car, the driver was trying to flee from the scene. Unfortunately, the brother’s leg was stuck at the back of the BMW’s bumper and he was dragged a few metres along. As a result, his right legs had to be amputated from toes right up to below his knee due to major injuries. He’s currently in hospital and

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Rumah Perlindungan Nur Hati

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 7,762.00* will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Kasih Nurul Hasanah*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Rumah Perlindungan Nur Hati*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rumah Kasih Nurul Hasanah

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,068.70 will be given to the beneficiary, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Bimbingan At- Taqwa. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Rumah Kasih Nurul Hasanah. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Pertubuhan Kebajikan Bimbingan At- Taqwa

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 7,252.00* will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Amal Budi Bestari*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Pertubuhan Kebajikan Bimbingan At- Taqwa*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rumah Amal Budi Bistari – Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5,172.00 will be given to the beneficiary, Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Lui. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Rumah Amal Budi Bistari. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Lui

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,089.85 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Jagaan & Rawatan Orang Tua Al Ikhlas. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Lui donation of school uniforms for flood victims. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rumah Jagaan & Rawatan Orang Tua Al-Ikhlas

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 4,489.50* will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Rumah Jagaan & Rawatan Orang Tua Al-Ikhlas*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 8055.40 will be given to the beneficiary, Flood Victims. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Sadaqah Seragam Sekolah – Mangsa Banjir 2021

by Admin

Bencana banjir menyebabkan pakaian dan kelengkapan sekolah anak-anak hanyut Bagi meringankan beban mangsa banjir, BRAINY BUNCH FOUNDATION ingin mengajak rakyat Malaysia menyalurkan sumbangan ke Tabung Seragam Sekolah Mangsa Banjir. Dana akan digunakan untuk membantu mendapatkan pakaian sekolah Seragam baru dan juga kelengkapan sekolah yang lain. Usaha ini diharapkan dapat memberi semangat baru kepada anak-anak mereka untuk memulakan sesi persekolahan tak lama lagi. *Sekiranya anda merupakan keluarga yang terjejas, sila berhubung dengan Puan Herda di whatsapp 0126271146

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Rated 0 out of 5

Flood Victims

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5090.60 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Perlindungan HIV Darul Ukhwah Yayasan Al-Ijabah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the flood victims. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5


by Admin

TABUNG BENCANA BANJIR MALAYSIA DILANCARKAN Ribuan keluarga terjejas. Sana sini berita sedih dan merisaukan. Untuk tujuan meringankan beban keluarga terjejas, BRAINY BUNCH FOUNDATION ingin menjemput semua ibubapa, kakitangan dan masyarakat untuk menyalurkan sumbangan ke Tabung Bencana Banjir Malaysia. Dana akan digunakan untuk membantu seramai mungkin mereka yang terkesan. Terutama untuk mereka yang 📌 tiada makanan/minuman/pakaian, 📌hilang punca pendapatan, 📌kenderaan & barangan penting rosak teruk, 📌barang-barang eletrik/keperluan dapur rosak, dan sebagainya Semakin Banyak Dana Sumbangan, Semakin ramai keluarga dapat dibantu! InsyaAllah! p/s Sekiranya anda adalah keluarga yang terjejas, klik sini untuk mohon bantuan p.p.s Doa Mohon Banjir Tidak Berlarut

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Rated 0 out of 5

Tabung Bantuan Kemanusiaan Brainy Bunch Foundation

by Admin

Tabung Bantuan Kemanusiaan Brainy Bunch Foundation. Sejak 2014 , dah hampir RM5 juta sumbangan diterima dari pelbagai pihak. Dana sumbangan inilah yang telah membantu : Lebih 200 pelajar dan 17 guru di Sekolah Kebajikan di GAZA Palestin sejak 2015 Lebih 15,000 keluarga melalui bantuan ZERO HUNGER semasa pandemik dengan nilai RM1,729,368 Lebih 9 yayasan dengan nilai sumbangan melebihi RM65,237 Dan banyak lagi! Yayasan Brainy Bunch nak jemput tuan puan untuk menjadi sebahagian dari penyumbang dana-dana ini. Minima RM10 sahaja. Misi mengumpulkan RM100,000 untuk membantu seramai mungkin insan. Semakin banyak dana dikumpul, semakin ramai yang dapat dibantu! “Tangan yang Di Atas (Pemberi) Lebih Baik Dari Tangan Di Bawah (Penerima)” - Hadith Riwayat al-Bukha

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Rumah Perlindungan HIV Darul Ukhwah Yayasan Al-Ijabah

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5,038.20 will be given to the beneficiary, Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Pendidikan Cahaya Kasih. This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Perlindungan HIV Darul Ukhwah Yayasan Al-Ijabah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! Let us support our 31 Muslim friends during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Pendidikan Cahaya Kasih

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4076 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Kebajikan Noor Manzil. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Pendidikan Cahaya Kasih You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children and Asnaf during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Rumah Kebajikan Noor Manzil – Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5257.00 will be given to the beneficiary, Pusat Jagaan Cahaya Kasih Bestari. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Kebajikan Noor Manzil You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children and Asnaf during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Pusat Jagaan Cahaya Kasih Bestari – Sadaqah Jumaat

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5205.50 will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Bakti Al Kausar *. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pusat Jagaan Cahaya Kasih Bestari You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children and Asnaf during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Rumah Bakti Al Kausar – Sadaqah Jumaat

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 2663.50 will be given to the beneficiary, * Rumah Perlindungan Rahoma Darul Fakir*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Bakti Al Kausar You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Rumah Perlindungan Rahoma Darul Fakir

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5,085.50 will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah *. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Perlindungan Rahoma Darul Fakir You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 3,933.00 will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Bakti Nur Syaheera *. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah Let us support these underprivileged children and muallaf during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Rumah Bakti Nur Syaheera – Sadaqah Jumaat

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 21,954.00 has been given to our school teacher who is currently fighting with her illness. May Allah grant her the ease, the courage and strength to keep on going and the patience to trust in His plans 🌹 We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Bakti Nur Syaheera. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

School Teacher who is currently fighting with her illness

by Admin

Salam Dear Parents, Alhamdulillah it is Friday again and we are given another opportunity to lend a helping hand for those in need. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,018 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Bakti Nur Ain We dedicate this week’s collection to help one of our school teacher who is currently fighting with her illness. She is an inspiring teacher who is very strong and brave to fight her brain tumor. She is currently going through a treatment for Steven Johnson Syndrome that was developed due to allergic to Phenytoin and MRI contrast. She is not only a wife and mother of her daughter, but she is a real fighter! The tumor removal requires a major surgery. The tumor is located on the left side of her brain and has affected the strength of her r

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Rumah Bakti Nur Ain -Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,227.55 will be given to the beneficiary, Pusat Jagaan Telaga Kasih Nur Muhammad. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Bakti Nur Ain. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children and Asnaf during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Telaga Kasih Nur Muhammad – Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,233.50 will be given to the beneficiary, Baitul Ehsan Al Khairi We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pusat Jagaan Telaga Kasih Nur Muhammad . You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these 30 underprivileged students, aged between 5-12 years old during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Baitul Ehsan Al-Khairi – Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,815.50 will be given to the beneficiary, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Ummi, Kajang. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Baitul Ehsan Al Khairi. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these *60 underprivileged students * during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Rayuan Kecemasan kepada Pesakit Kanser Paru-paru

by Admin

Rayuan Kecemasan kepada Pesakit Kanser Paru-paru #SadaqahMarket Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Itulah ibaratnya nasib yang menimpa Muhammad Fuzaimi bin Japri yang diuji penyakit kanser paru-paru tahap 3. Beliau seorang yang kuat bekerja dan rajin sebelum tiba-tiba disahkan kanser paru-paru selepas demam dan terlantar di hospital beberapa hari. Kesihatannya kini semakin merosot dan beliau yang mencari rezeki dengan bekerja di pasaraya tidak lagi dapat pergi bekerja sebaliknya perlu sering ke hospital menjalani rutin rawatan. Beliau perlu menjalani rawatan kemoterapi setiap kitaran selama tiga minggu selama 3 hingga 4 bulan dan memerlukan pemantauan rapi. Anak muda ini menangung kedua ibu bapa dan adik-adiknya memerlukan sokongan dan bantuan kita sebagai

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Anak Yatim Ummi – Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Ummi You can donate directly via this link. Let us do our best to support these 35 underprivileged students during this challenging time. It could help make life a bit easier for them to survive. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,573.00 has been successfully given to the beneficiary, Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Yatim/Miskin Rukaiyah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Peribadi Mulia. Let us support these 75 students with 10 staffs during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Rated 0 out of 5

Infaq Makanan Bermasak

by Admin

Jika anda dan keluarga sedang menikmati hidangan tengahari atau makan malam yang lazat, luangkan sedikit masa memikirkan tentang jiran atau orang di sekeliling anda, tanya diri sendiri adakah mereka mendapat nikmat yang sama. Sejak pandemik Covid-19 melanda hampir dua tahun, banyak cerita meruntun jiwa dikongsikan di media sosial tentang keadaan keluarga miskin yang terputus sumber pendapatan sehingga tidak mampu membeli bekalan makanan untuk keluarga. Lebih membimbangkan, kes bunuh diri juga banyak dilaporkan akibat tekanan-tekanan yang dihadapi. Sebagai anggota masyarakat kita tidak boleh berdiam diri, sekadar membaca dan bersimpati sebaliknya hulurkan bantuan atau sekurang-kurangnya sumbangan untuk membantu mereka yang terjejas. Sejak PKP 1.0, Brainy Bunch Foundation telah m

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Tabung Bantuan Makanan & Keperluan Asas 3.0

by Admin

, Malaysia

Sejak PKP 3.0 makin ramai saudara-saudara kita terputus bekalan makanan akibat hilang punca pendapatan kerana dibuang kerja, perniagaan yang ditutup, hilang mata pencarian. Malah kes bunuh diri juga makin meningkat. Atas sebab itu, Yayasan Brainy Bunch ingin mengajak anda berkongsi rezeki dengan saudara-saudara kita yang hilang punca pendapatan dan terkesan dengan PKP 3.0 ini dengan bersadaqah menerusi Tabung Bantuan Makanan & Keperluan Asas 3.0. "Barang siapa mempermudah kesulitan orang lain, maka Allah akan mempermudah urusanya di dunia & akhirat" (HR Muslim) Mari sama-sama bantu mereka dengan menghulurkan sumbangan anda ke Tabung Bantuan Makanan & Keperluan Asas 3.0 (Fasa 1). Sumbangan anda amat diperlukan diluar sana. Klik butang di bawah untuk terus menderma at

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Rated 0 out of 5

Save Gaza-Palestine with Yayasan Brainy Bunch

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Krisis yang melanda penduduk Palestin dalam menghadapi serangan demi serangan Israel memberi tamparan hebat kepada masyarakat Islam tempatan. Sebagai sebuah entiti yang memerjuangkan kebajikan dan ekonomi Islam, Malakat Mall mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya kekejaman Israel. Prihatin dengan nasib yang menimpa warga seislam kita, Malakat Mall dan Yayasan Brainy Bunch melancarkan Tabung Malakat #SAVEGAZA sebagai inisiatif menyalurkan sumbangan kepada penduduk Gaza yang terkesan akibat siri serangan. Isu yang menimpa Gaza dan Palestin amat dekat di hati kami lebih-lebih lagi Brainy Bunch mempunyai sebuah cawangan tadika amal kami yang berlokasi di Gaza. Salurkan sumbangan melalui Tabung Malakat #SaveGaza untuk membantu saudara-saudara kita.

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Sentuhan Kasih buat Adik Arlisa

by Admin

Sentuhan Kasih buat Adik Arlisa Adik Arlisa dari Wangsa Maju dilahirkan dengan masalah tulang pinggul (Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip). Sejak dilahirkan, bayi comel ini terpaksa menggunakan alat khas untuk menyokong kedua-dua tulang pinggulnya. Beliau perlu menjalani pembedahan dalam masa terdekat dan memerlukan sejumlah kos yang agak besar. Semoga kanak-kanak ini dapat menjalani kehidupan normal seperti kanak-kanak lain. Marilah kita bantu ringankan beban keluarga ini.

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Rated 0 out of 5

Infaq Pakaian Raya untuk Anak Yatim

by Admin

[maxbutton id="1" ]   Lipat gandakan lagi pahala di bulan Ramadan yang berkat ini dengan menyumbang ke tabung Infaq Pakaian Hari Raya Anak-anak Yatim. Rezeki yang kita kongsikan walaupun sedikit pasti mendapat keberkatan lebih-lebih lagi ia membuat anak yatim tersenyum riang apabila mendapat pakaian raya baharu.

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Rated 0 out of 5

Mari Muliakan Anak Yatim

by Admin

[maxbutton id="1" ]   HIASI LEMBARAN RAMADAN DENGAN BERSADAQAH Jom sambut kehadiran Ramadan dengan memperbanyakkan amalan sadaqah di bulan berkah ini. Mari sertai program sumbangan anak-anak yatim berbuka puasa. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, Telah datang kepadamu bulan Ramadan, bulan keberkatan, AIlah mengunjungimu pada bulan ini dengan menurunkan rahmat, menghapus dosa-dosa dan mengabulkan doa. Allah melihat berlumba-lumbanya kamu pada bulan ini dan membanggakanmu kepada para malaikat-Nya, maka tunjukkanlah kepada Allah hal-hal yang baik dari dirimu, kerana orang yang sengsara ialah yang tidak mendapatkan rahmat Allah di bulan ini.” (HR Ath-Thabrani) Sesungguhnya begitu besar PAHALA bagi mereka yang memberi makan kepada orang yang berpuasa, apatah lagi mereka yang amat mem

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Tajaan Buka Puasa Ulama

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

HIASI LEMBARAN RAMADAN DENGAN BERSADAQAH Jom sambut kehadiran Ramadan dengan memperbanyakkan amalan sadaqah di bulan berkah ini. Mari sertai program sumbangan anak-anak yatim berbuka puasa. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, Telah datang kepadamu bulan Ramadan, bulan keberkatan, AIlah mengunjungimu pada bulan ini dengan menurunkan rahmat, menghapus dosa-dosa dan mengabulkan doa. Allah melihat berlumba-lumbanya kamu pada bulan ini dan membanggakanmu kepada para malaikat-Nya, maka tunjukkanlah kepada Allah hal-hal yang baik dari dirimu, kerana orang yang sengsara ialah yang tidak mendapatkan rahmat Allah di bulan ini.” (HR Ath-Thabrani) Sesungguhnya begitu besar PAHALA bagi mereka yang memberi makan kepada orang yang berpuasa, apatah lagi mereka yang amat memerlukan seperti anak-anak yatim.

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Hulurkan Sumbangan kepada Pesakit Kanser Usus

by Admin

[maxbutton id="1" ]   Jom bantu ringankan beban Puan Zubaidah binti Masdar yang menderita penyakit kanser kolon (usus) tahap 4. Mudah-mudahan dengan bantuan anda semua, urusan rawatan Puan Zubaidah dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan juga dapat membantu keluarga beliau. Doakan semoga Puan Zubaidah diberikan kekuatan dan kesembuhan, manakala ahli keluarganya juga diberikan kesabaran serta dipermudahkan urusan harian mereka. Semoga sumbangan kita semua diberkati oleh Allah SWT.

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Rated 0 out of 5

Sadaqah Pakaian Seragam Sekolah

by Admin

Malaysia, Malaysia

Sejak pengumuman oleh kerajaan bawa sesi persekolahan bersemuka akan bermula 1 Mac ini, ramai antara kita sibuk mencari pakaian sekolah buat anak-anak. Namun sedarkah kita sebenarnya ada sebahagian daripada kita tidak mampu menyediakan pakaian persekolahan anak-anak sehingga kerajaan terpaksa mengeluarkan kenyataan, anak-anak dibenarkan ke sekolah dengan apa sahaja pakaian yang sesuai. Mari bantu golongan anak-anak daripada keluarga yang tidak berkemampuan ini memakai pakaian baru ke sekolah supaya mereka lebih bersemangat. Salurkan sumbangan melalui projek Bantuan Pakaian Seragam Sekolah anjuran Yayasan Brainy Bunch dan Malakat Mall. Ingatlah! Sifat pemurah tidak akan menjadikan kita papa. Bersedekahlah selalu kerana setiap amalan tidak akan menjadi sia-sia. Dan jadikanlah pem

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Jumaat Berkah Dengan Sadaqah

by Admin

Selangor, Malaysia

Ibnul Qayyim Rahimahullah berkata tentang keutamaan sadqah pada hari Jumaat. “Keutamaan SADAQAH di hari Jumaat di bandingkan dengan hari-hari lain, seperti keutamaan SADAQAH di bulan Ramadhan di bandingkan dengan bulan-bulan yang lain.” Sabda Nabi SAW: “Sadaqah akan di lipat gandakan pahalanya pada hari Jumaat” (HR. Abi Syaibah). Salurkan sumbangan anda di sini Semoga di limpahkan […]

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Bantuan Dapur Gas Mangsa Banjir

by Admin

Banjir gelombang kelima yang melanda Pantai Timur mengakibatkan kerugian besar kepada ribuan penduduk. Perabot dan peralatan dalam rumah rosak dan terpaksa dibuang. Mari kita hulurkan sumbangan, bagi meringankan beban mereka. Hasil sumbangan anda akan digunakan untuk membeli dapur gas demi kelangsungan kehidupan mereka

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Derma Kilat Kemalangan Chef Nan

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Hulurkan sumbangan, ringankan beban bagi membantu Encik Adnan Zainal yang dilanda musibah kemalangan jalan raya sehingga menyebabkan sebahagian tubuhnya lumpuh. Encik Adnan (Chef Nan) merupakan pengusaha kedai Sushi Nan terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya semasa dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja mengalami kecederaan parah dan perlu menjalani pembedahan tulang belakang.

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Bantuan Zero Hunger Covid-19 #3

by Admin

Malaysia, Malaysia
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Sadaqah Pakaian Seragam Sekolah

by Admin

Malaysia, Malaysia
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Gandakan Pahala Sadaqah Jumaat

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Infaq Makanan Bermasak Anak Yatim

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Wakaf Al-Quran Terjemahan B40

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Infaq Makanan Bermasak Pelajar Tahfiz

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Bantuan Susu Kanak-kanak B40

by Admin

Malaysia, Malaysia

Bantuan Susu Kanak-kanak Bayangkan disaat kita mendengar tangisan anak-anak kita apabila mereka menangis mahukan susu, secara automatiknya dengan pantas kita bergegas untuk siapkan susu. Namun nasib kita tak sama, dikala kita masih mampu berikan anak kita susu seperti biasa, ada dikalangan kita yang sudah terputus bekalan susu dek kerana hilangnya punca pendapatan terutamanya di kala PKP sedang dilaksanakan. Antara mereka yang terjejas adalah golongan B40 yang punca pendapatan mereka adalah gaji hari. Namun sejak PKP dilaksanakan pendapatan mereke turut terjejas. Sebelum ini pihak kami melalui program Zero Hunger ini hanya memberi bantuan berupa makanan asas. Namun setiap kali penghantaran kerumah-rumah ramai dikalangan mereka bertanya akan bantuan berupa susu anak. Hati aya

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Rated 0 out of 5

Projek ‘Zero Hunger’ B40 Siri #2

by Admin

Malaysia, Malaysia

Ayuh bantu pihak kami untuk menjayakan projek ini untuk memberikan keperluan asas kepada pihak yang terkesan akibat daripada wabak Covid-19. Antaranya: 1. Pekerja yang diberhentikan 2. Pekerja yang diberi cuti tanpa gaji 3. Keluarga yang mempunyai pendapatan isi rumah bawah RM3500 4. Tidak dapat berniaga akibat dari perintah kawalan pergerakan. Bantuan yang bakal diberikan oleh pihak kami adalah: 1. Bakul berisi makanan keperluan asas bernilai RM 60 di semenanjung Malaysia. 2. Nasi Bungkus siap masak untuk mereka yang tidak mempunyai makanan langsung. Ayuh kita berganding bahu dan membantu mereka yang terjejas!

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Rated 0 out of 5

Projek ‘Zero Hunger’ B40 Siri #1

by Admin

Selayang, Selangor
Raised Percent :
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Rated 0 out of 5

Sumbangan Quran Peserta Ayuh Bangkit

by Admin

Selangor Cyber Valley, Malaysia

Bacaan Surah Al-Waqiah bersama #CoachFadzil di #AyuhBangkit 3.0 Pada #AyuhBangkit 3.0 kali ini yang akan diadakan pada hari Ahad 28hb July 2019, #CoachFadzil akan bersama-sama 1,000 perserta #AyuhBangkit 3.0 akan membaca surah Al-Waqiah bersama-sama. Acara ini diadakan bertujuan  menggalakkan peserta mengamalkan Surah Al-Waqiah dan kesan amalan ini terhadap rezeki dan juga perniagaan yang semua usahakan. Naskah Al-quran akan disumbangkan kepada semua 1,000 peserta #AyuhBangkit 3.0. Kepada yang ingin turut sama menjadi penyumbang, anda boleh salurkan sumbangan anda disini. Fadhilah Membaca Surat Al-Waqiah untuk Memperlancar Rezeki Surat Al Waqiah memiliki beberapa fadhilah yang terkandung dan pada kesempatan kali ini di #AyuhBangkit 3.0, kita akan bacakan Surah Al-Waqiah ini bersama-s

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