Sadaqah Friday

by Admin

Rated 0 out of 5
  • RM30,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • RM3,120.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
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78 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents,

“Sadaqah Friday” is a project of Brainy Bunch Foundation with the intention of assisting and reducing the financial hardships that the less fortunate confront both locally and globally.

We have assisted our Palestinian brothers and sisters, supported our da’wah mission in the Philippines, and aided our local communities who have been impacted by natural disasters such as floods and fires, as well as the poor.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). He also said that Allah offers relief on the Day of Judgement for those who give sadaqah: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be their charity” (Hadith, Tirmidhi).

You can donate directly via this link:

Thank you and may Allah SWT reward you for your good deeds, in shaa Allah.

Brainy Bunch Foundation