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Senarai Kempen

Sumbangan amal anda amat bermakna buat yang memerlukan.

Senarai Kempen

Sumbangan amal anda amat bermakna buat yang memerlukan. Projek-projek amal kebajikan yang aktif mengumpulkan dana sekarang

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Gandakan Pahala Sadaqah Jumaat

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Flood Victims

by Admin

Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5090.60 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Perlindungan HIV Darul Ukhwah Yayasan Al-Ijabah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the flood victims. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit

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Emergency Fund for Gaza

by hilmi ismail

🚨 Anda Diperlukan Untuk Bantu Keluarga Gaza Kita! 🚨 Setelah serangan demi serangan, Keluarga Kita di Gaza memerlukan bantuan kita semua. Kami menyalurkan bantuan secara terus kepada keluarga di Gaza melalui guru-guru Brainy Bunch Gaza. Tidak kira banyak atau sedikit, bantuan anda akan dapat membantu meringankan beban mereka yang semakin terputus bekalan keperluan asas. Bantuan yang diperlukan sekarang adalah untuk membantu mereka memenuhi keperluan asas yang sangat sukar didapati seperti makanan, minuman, pakaian dan ubat-ubatan. Semoga Allah memberkati dan menerima sumbangan anda dan diberi ganjaran sebaiknya di dunia dan akhirat. Jangan kita berhenti untuk menyalurkan bantuan kepada mereka! #BantuanUntukGaza #BrainyBunchFoundation #CeasefireNow #SuccessInBothWorld

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Derma Kilat Kemalangan Chef Nan

by Admin

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Hulurkan sumbangan, ringankan beban bagi membantu Encik Adnan Zainal yang dilanda musibah kemalangan jalan raya sehingga menyebabkan sebahagian tubuhnya lumpuh. Encik Adnan (Chef Nan) merupakan pengusaha kedai Sushi Nan terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya semasa dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja mengalami kecederaan parah dan perlu menjalani pembedahan tulang belakang.

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Dana Pembinaan Masjid Baiturrahman Palembang

by Admin

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Brainy Bunch Waqf Fund

by hilmi ismail

In the process of transforming the Islamic Hall of BBISCJ and BBISKL, the school opened an opportunity for everyone to contribute to the waqf fund for the purchase of new carpets. Thank you for your interest in supporting our school through the establishment of a waqf fund. Your generosity will play a crucial role in enabling us to continue our mission of our school. We appreciate your dedication to supporting our cause and your commitment to making a positive impact on society through your charitable giving. Your contribution will help to create a lasting legacy of good works that will benefit future generations. May Allah SWT reward you abundantly for your generosity and bless you with His infinite grace and mercy.

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BB Foundation Ummah Fund

by hilmi ismail

Thank you for being a part of the Brainy Bunch Foundation family for the past 9 years. Your generosity and compassion have enabled us to bring hope and change to countless lives in the Brainy Bunch Gaza charity school and the Islamic Propagator in the Philippines. Together, we strive to make a significant impact in strategic areas of child care, environment, education, disaster management, and emergency needs. Through your kind donations, numerous beneficiaries have been positively affected, including: Brainy Bunch Gaza Philippines Islamic Propagator Madrasah & Tahfiz Zero Hunger Program Natural Disaster Home for the Aged Underprivileged students and many more deserving individuals and communities! With your unwavering support since 2014, we have collect

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Rated 0 out of 5

Bantuan Zero Hunger Covid-19 #3

by Admin

Malaysia, Malaysia
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