School Teacher who is currently fighting with her illness

by Admin

  • RM30,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • RM22,690.40

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is RM10 Maximum amount is RM Put a valid number


82 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Salam Dear Parents,

Alhamdulillah it is Friday again and we are given another opportunity to lend a helping hand for those in need.

For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,018 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Bakti Nur Ain

We dedicate this week’s collection to help one of our school teacher who is currently fighting with her illness.

She is an inspiring teacher who is very strong and brave to fight her brain tumor. She is currently going through a treatment for Steven Johnson Syndrome that was developed due to allergic to Phenytoin and MRI contrast. She is not only a wife and mother of her daughter, but she is a real fighter!

The tumor removal requires a major surgery. The tumor is located on the left side of her brain and has affected the strength of her right hand and leg.

You can donate directly via this link.

Let us do our best to support her family financially and to help ease her during affairs during this hard times.

May Allah’s reward & blessings continues to flow to us and our family, InsyaAllah!

Jazakallahu khairan kathira 🌹
Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit