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by hilmi ismail
📢 Dapatkan Ganjaran Pahala dengan Menyumbangkan Beras untuk mereka yang memerlukan melalui Kempen Infaq Beras! 🌾 Sedari dulu, infaq telah terbukti membuka pintu kebahagiaan kepada yang memerlukan. Sekarang, tiba masanya anda turut serta dalam Kempen "Infaq Beras" anjuran Brainy Bunch Foundation dengan kerjasama Malakat Grocer. Kita sering terlupa bahawa di luar sana, masih ada mereka yang berjuang untuk mencari makanan yang mencukupi setiap hari. Mari kita tingkatkan ikatan persaudaraan dan berkongsi kebahagiaan dengan menyumbangkan beras yang amat bernilai kepada golongan yang memerlukan. Mengapa beras? Kerana beras adalah makanan utama yang penting bagi ramai keluarga di sekitar kita. Dengan sumbangan beras anda, anda sedang memberi keperluan asas kepada mereka yang memerluka
by Admin
[maxbutton id="1" ] Jom bantu ringankan beban Puan Zubaidah binti Masdar yang menderita penyakit kanser kolon (usus) tahap 4. Mudah-mudahan dengan bantuan anda semua, urusan rawatan Puan Zubaidah dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan juga dapat membantu keluarga beliau. Doakan semoga Puan Zubaidah diberikan kekuatan dan kesembuhan, manakala ahli keluarganya juga diberikan kesabaran serta dipermudahkan urusan harian mereka. Semoga sumbangan kita semua diberkati oleh Allah SWT.
by Admin
by Admin
Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5090.60 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Perlindungan HIV Darul Ukhwah Yayasan Al-Ijabah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the flood victims. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit
by hilmi ismail
In the process of transforming the Islamic Hall of BBISCJ and BBISKL, the school opened an opportunity for everyone to contribute to the waqf fund for the purchase of new carpets. Thank you for your interest in supporting our school through the establishment of a waqf fund. Your generosity will play a crucial role in enabling us to continue our mission of our school. We appreciate your dedication to supporting our cause and your commitment to making a positive impact on society through your charitable giving. Your contribution will help to create a lasting legacy of good works that will benefit future generations. May Allah SWT reward you abundantly for your generosity and bless you with His infinite grace and mercy.
by Admin
Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,815.50 will be given to the beneficiary, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Ummi, Kajang. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Baitul Ehsan Al Khairi. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these *60 underprivileged students * during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit
by Admin
Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Ummi You can donate directly via this link. Let us do our best to support these 35 underprivileged students during this challenging time. It could help make life a bit easier for them to survive. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit
by hilmi ismail
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. We humbly appeal to your compassionate hearts to support Mr. Ernesto, an 82-year-old father who is hopeful to recover. He has been diagnosed with severe medical complications stemming from acute diabetes, blood vessel disease, and heart disease. Unfortunately, his elevated uncontrolled blood sugar levels have led to vein ruptures and severe tissue damage in his left foot and leg, necessitating immediate amputation. With your generous assistance, we can swiftly proceed with the below knee amputation, preventing the spread of infection throughout his body by the grace of Allah. Your contributions are invaluable in alleviating the financial strain of medical expenses for this family, and may Allah shower blessings upon all who extend their sup