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Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,089.85 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Jagaan & Rawatan Orang Tua Al Ikhlas. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Lui donation of school uniforms for flood victims. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit
by Admin
Sedekah RM1: Kecil Nilainya, Besar Pahalanya! Masa kecil dulu, saya selalu dengar orang cakap tentang sedekah. Tapi, saya fikir sedekah itu perkara besar – perlu banyak duit, perlu bantu orang yang betul-betul susah. Hingga satu hari, saya ternampak seorang pakcik tua di luar pasar, meminta derma. Dia hanya ada sekeping kertas dan setengah gelas air kosong. Hati saya terus rasa sebak. Saya pergi ke kedai sebelah, beli nasi bungkus, dan berikan kepada pakcik itu. Saya sangka dia akan meminta duit, tetapi dia hanya tersenyum dan berkata, “Terima kasih, anak. Semoga hidupmu selalu diberkati.” Saat itu, saya sedar sedekah bukan sekadar wang. Ia tentang keikhlasan, tentang memberi walau sedikit, asalkan dari hati. Kenapa RM1 Ini Sangat Bermakna? Bila saya dengar tentang kempe
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Salam Dear Parents, Alhamdulillah it is Friday again and we are given another opportunity to lend a helping hand for those in need. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 4,018 will be given to the beneficiary, Rumah Bakti Nur Ain We dedicate this week’s collection to help one of our school teacher who is currently fighting with her illness. She is an inspiring teacher who is very strong and brave to fight her brain tumor. She is currently going through a treatment for Steven Johnson Syndrome that was developed due to allergic to Phenytoin and MRI contrast. She is not only a wife and mother of her daughter, but she is a real fighter! The tumor removal requires a major surgery. The tumor is located on the left side of her brain and has affected the strength of her r
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Bencana banjir menyebabkan pakaian dan kelengkapan sekolah anak-anak hanyut Bagi meringankan beban mangsa banjir, BRAINY BUNCH FOUNDATION ingin mengajak rakyat Malaysia menyalurkan sumbangan ke Tabung Seragam Sekolah Mangsa Banjir. Dana akan digunakan untuk membantu mendapatkan pakaian sekolah Seragam baru dan juga kelengkapan sekolah yang lain. Usaha ini diharapkan dapat memberi semangat baru kepada anak-anak mereka untuk memulakan sesi persekolahan tak lama lagi. *Sekiranya anda merupakan keluarga yang terjejas, sila berhubung dengan Puan Herda di whatsapp 0126271146
by Admin
Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 6,573.00 has been successfully given to the beneficiary, Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Yatim/Miskin Rukaiyah. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Peribadi Mulia. Let us support these 75 students with 10 staffs during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit
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🌟 Share Your Blessings with Sadaqah Friday & Ramadan Giving Charity is a simple way to multiply your rewards. Sadaqah isn’t just about giving money, it can also be sharing food with those in need. If you want to give but don’t have time to manage it, Brainy Bunch Foundation can help deliver your sadaqah. Where Do Your Contributions Go? All funds collected through Sadaqah Friday are managed by Brainy Bunch Foundation, and 100% of the donations go towards: ✅ Supporting our Brainy Bunch Charity School in Gaza 🇵🇸 ✅ Funding various charity projects in Malaysia and overseas 🤲🏼 How Parents Can Support? 🔹 Provide your child with sadaqah every Friday and explain to them the blessings of giving. 🔹 Donate online to contribute consistently and make a bigger impact
by Admin
Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection RM 5,085.50 will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Amal Raudhatul Jannah *. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to Rumah Perlindungan Rahoma Darul Fakir You can donate directly via this link. Let us support these underprivileged children during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit
by Admin
Assalamualaikum Dear Parents, Alhamdullilah! We thank you for your kind generosity and support. For last week’s project, the total collection *RM 7,762.00* will be given to the beneficiary, *Rumah Kasih Nurul Hasanah*. We pray that Allah will bless you with more Rizq in shaa Allah! This week’s collection will be dedicated to the *Rumah Perlindungan Nur Hati*. You can donate directly via this link. Let us support each other during this challenging time. May Allah’s reward and blessings continues to flow to us and our family, In shaa Allah! Warmest Regards, Brainy Bunch Counselling and Students’ Affairs Unit